BS 476 part 6 Fire Propagation Test
A test to determine the heat release output

BS 476 part 7 Surface Spread of Flame Test
A test to determine the spread of flame across a specimen

BS 6853 annex D Smoke Density Test
A smoke density test for the rail industry

EN 13823 Single Burning Item Test
A test to determine the heat release, surface spread of flame properties and smoke production

EN 45545 B Rail Seat Burn Test
A test to determine the heat release on a complete rail seat

ISO 3795 annex 6 Flammability Test
A test to determine the horizontal spread of flame on a specimen

ISO 4589 Oxygen Index Test
A test to determine the minimum concentration of oxygen to support the combustion of a small vertical test specimen

ISO 5658 Surface Spread of Flame Test
A test to determine the spread of flame across a specimen for the rail and marine industries

ISO 5659 Smoke Chamber Test
A smoke test for the rail industry

ISO 5660 Cone Calorimeter Test
A test to determine the heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate

ISO 9239 Radiant Panel Test
A test to determine the smoke and flame spread of flooring's

NF X 70 100 Tube Furnace Toxicity Test
A test to determine the toxicity level of a specimen

Vertical Burn Fabric Test
A test to determine to flame spread rate of fabrics