The project

Utopia Space Fortitude Valley, Queensland is a 26 level apartment building. It contains 300 apartments with ground level retail tenancies, carparking across three basement levels together with levels 1 and 2. The rooftop contains a lap pool, gym and outdoor communal deck areas.

The challenge

Meeting the deemed-to-satisfy provisions of the National Construction Code (NCC) is challenging for any residential development in the Brisbane CBD because of the limited floor area and the proximity of adjacent properties.

Our solution

Our team of fire safety engineers provided a range of fire engineering solutions for the building aimed at maximising the useable area, natural light and ventilation. This included a performance-based assessment of the fire protection requirements for windows located near the allotment boundaries. We also helped to achieve the architectural vision for the project by providing performance-based assessments for party wall junctions to the external façade, internal separation details and a range of travel distance issues to facilitate the desired layout.

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+61 732381700