Third party fire systems reviews

Peer reviews (also called third party fire systems reviews) are often required in construction projects. This is because they can support submission paperwork under the building regulations, or help you understand and evaluate a submission that a third party has presented to you.

Warringtonfire’s Australian team of fire engineering experts can offer third party fire systems reviews for fire protection plans and specifications for strict compliance with international, state and local codes and standards.

This review will also identify the key drivers for the design approach – be this legislation, life safety or asset protection and insurance – and will deliver an evaluation about the suitability of the design to achieve stakeholder requirements.


Why do I need one?

There are a number of reasons why you may need a peer review of your fire systems. This could be because – as a regulator or other verifier – you need guidance on understanding the intricate details of a submission document or system design, or the fire safety elements of the building regulations and standards for an installed system. Often, the best and most appropriate way to do this is to hire an expert.

Another reason could be because – as a project owner, architect or designer – you may have been presented with a third party fire system report, design or installation from a supplier and you would like it peer reviewed for complying with design codes and achieving the desired performance for the project. This could be in terms of life safety, asset protection (insurance) or operational continuity.


Why Warringtonfire for your peer review?

Our team of fire safety engineers have a wealth of experience working on a variety of large and small projects across the world. This experience includes developing detailed cause and effect protocols interfacing fire detection and other active fire safety systems to achieve complex multi-layered protection and using various detection phenomena and suppression systems.

We can also provide advice on false alarm / spurious activation programming. When delivering these projects, we work with all the stakeholders to arrive at a design and operational approach that fits the key design objectives.

Regulatory and Compliance Services

Fire Safety Engineering

Expert Witness

Fire safety issues on projects can lead to significant claims against contractors, engineers and architects. The most severe fire safety issues can also lead to prosecutions, injury or loss of life. It is during these situations that an expert in fire safety engineering and regulatory fire safety compliance can be called as an expert witness to assist with identifying the root cause of an issue.


NCC Reviews and Code Consultancy

We encourage early engagement with all key stakeholders, as getting the fire strategy right at the beginning of a project will save time and money throughout the project lifecycle. An early assessment of departures from to the deemed-to-satisfy (DTS) provisions of the NCC can result in simple design changes instead of having to develop performance solutions later in the process.


Compliance Inspections

Warringtonfire undertake non-destructive visual inspections of buildings to confirm, where practicable, that the fire safety measures outlined in our fire engineering reports have been provided. As part of this inspection, we witness testing to confirm that the active fire safety systems are interfaced and operate as intended by the performance solution.


Peer Reviews

Peer reviews (also called third party fire systems reviews) are often required in construction projects. This is because they can support submission paperwork under the building regulations, or help you understand and evaluate a submission that a third party has presented to you.